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Prove communications ROI with Analyze

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Measuring the impact of workforce communications is a pain point for organizations. In fact, 85% of survey respondents from our Internal Communicator Index said that measuring the positive impact of internal communications on employee engagement is a challenge. And 64% say they don’t have a good way to know whether employees have seen or read their published content.

As the responses indicate, communicators are looking for more powerful solutions to not only reach employees but also measure the impact and results of their communications.

We’re excited to introduce Analyze, the most advanced measurement tool for communicators to answer some of your most challenging and elusive questions about the health of your organization.

Analyze is a new data-driven communications tool engineered for the complex enterprise. It’s designed to provide answers to some of your most challenging and elusive questions about the health of your organization.  With Analyze, organizations can now measure the effectiveness of communications, optimize business initiatives to improve employee alignment, elevate the employee experience, and impact the business bottom-line.  

“We look forward to tracking strategic initiatives and how they are resonating with our different employee groups around the world’, says Norman Rice, COO of Extreme Networks. ‘Getting the right message to the right employees and partners – and tracking the results – is a key driver for our business.”

Features include:

Easy to navigate, find insights and receive recommended and relevant information – Discover opportunistic insights. Users can click, check out related reports, and similar insights.  We provide recommended, related, and popular insights to help you discover insights you may not have noticed.

Improve the employee experience – Analyze makes data easy to access and understand and creates a single point of connection to understand employee sentiment. By measuring the effectiveness of your company’s communication, you can create a more collaborative employee experience.

Track, measure and optimize key business initiatives & impact the bottom-line – Only with the actionable data, can you understand what is working, what is not working, and how you can improve your communications to drive a healthier company and bottom-line. 

The 3 benefits of Analyze 

#1 Align with other leaders and work smarter

We built Analyze to make collaboration with analytics easier and to ensure insights are shared and knowledge is democratized. Analytics is no longer siloed so teams like Communications can take advantage of robust BI tools, and you’ll be able to find a report, discover your insight, share this with your colleagues, and then discuss the results with colleagues and other business leaders. 

#2 Execute, measure and optimize your key business Initiatives

With Analyze, you can now associate every communication with an initiative so you can correlate engagement to feedback trends and business performance.  You’ll be able to examine if initiatives are effective at improving morale, retention, attendance, sentiment, and even the bottom line. Analyze will allow you to export data and compare with survey data like HR culture campaign to see if any correlation exists. 

#3 View personalized dashboards with key insights:

Find your influencers and promote their impact within the company. With Analyze you will know which topics resonate with segments of your audience. Measure the sentiment of your content contributors and track which ones are more engaging, have a positive sentiment and ultimately create a more engaged and connected company.

Learn more on how Analyze can prove comms ROI. 


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