Guides and eBooks

The Empathetic CEO: A Handbook by Frost & Sullivan

Today, it’s not solely on employees to become more digitally savvy. Leaders must create a workplace that is primed for the digital landscape.

Companies that thrive coming out of the pandemic will be the ones with deep connections and free lines of communication with every employee—starting with the CEO.

This handbook details how to build trust with your workforce and ensure you’re setting up the right foundation for success, including:

  • The importance of trust in the workplace, from the top down
  • The keys to understanding the (real) employee experience
  • How to take stock of where you’re at
  • A guide on how to start listening to your workforce
  • Tips on how to create and support a sense of community and purpose

Download the report to learn what Frost & Sullivan have found are the six best practices for success to help CEOs shift from simply disseminating information to initiating meaningful conversations that will inspire employees to action.

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