Guides and eBooks

Seizing the opportunities in the new working world

Explore our latest research to learn how, with the right mindset, today’s evolving workforce can accelerate your business.

The disruption caused by the pandemic has led many workers to reassess the role of work in their lives. Gigification has exploded reshaping the concept of careers, especially among millennials. 

When facing this new gig economy organizations fail with too much talk, and not a lot of action. As businesses seek to adapt, they must ensure that their communication is coherent, actioned, and not mere lip service.

This report, based on a survey of over 23,000 workers across the US, UK and Europe explores the changing attitudes in the workforce, proposing actions that can be taken by every organization, including:

  • Why gigification matters and why ‘life balance’ is not just for the giggers
  • The value of good communication, instead of money as a motivator
  • How technology can create personal experiences that can motivate and help retain your best talent

Don’t miss out—step forward into the new working world!

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Transform How Your Enterprise Communicates — In One Hour

December 11, 2024
