Guides and eBooks

Revolutionize your internal email in 5 minutes flat!

We know you’re busy. We also know you’re tired of writing emails that never get read. If you’ve got 5 minutes, we’ve got 5 easy tips to help you improve your internal email and start connecting with your employees.

When 40% of the workplace isn’t even bothering to read emails from HR, it’s time for a change. But it’s hard to know where to start. Download our visual guide to help you make just a few small changes to your emails, and transform your internal comms.

We believe (and show you why) employee email is just better with Firstup, but our easy to adopt tips can help any internal communicator, no matter which tool you use. 

Grab a coffee, give us 5 minutes and we’ll help you revolutionize your employee email.

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Leading HR Industry Analyst Josh Bersin Highlights the Need for Intelligent Communication Platforms