Guides and eBooks

Employees are your best ambassadors in an era of declining trust

In a digital environment rife with misinformation, where facts are constantly politicized, it’s easy for brands to lose public trust. Yet many are doing the exact opposite, winning the trust of their workers and their customers through employee advocacy. 

We’ve interviewed the Firstup customers whose employees are leading the way as ambassadors, and compiled the data on what it takes to build  a successful advocacy program.

This guide takes a deep dive into the best practices we uncovered:

  • How to create a corporate culture that fosters authentic, organic advocacy
  • What types of content are most shareable, and when it’s best to share them, according to the data
  • Which tactics are most effective at growing an advocacy program
  • How to measure the results of employee advocacy – yes, it’s possible!

Download the guide now to start building trust in your brand!

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