Guides and eBooks

Better employee engagement with any size team

6 key steps to optimize your comms strategies to deliver the content your employees want.

When 97% of employees believe communication impacts their tasks on a daily basis, but you aren’t feeling the love when it comes to getting the budget or headcount you need to be effective, it’s time to get creative with new ways to develop, expand, and optimize your internal communications.

Many companies focus solely on communication with their outside customers, but the fact is that internal comms matters just as much, if not more. Sadly, it’s not an area that is invested in too often. Optimized strategies for employee engagement and reach can lower recruiting costs, increase retention rates, ensure company culture fit, meet company goals, and overall makes for a more positive employee experience.

So if you’re looking for ways to optimize your comms with a small or lean comms team, look no further than our new guide, Better employee engagement with any size team.

It includes a customer example of how one Firstup customer, with just two full-time communicators, reaches its global audience of over 11,000 employees in 19 countries, as well as the strategies you need to optimize your comms with limited resources, including:

  • How to consolidate all your endpoints, comms channels, and enterprise systems to deliver a seamless digital experience.
  • Why dynamic, targeted messages are key to finding your audiences and channels that need the information, where and when they need it.
  • Ways to use external and user-generated content to save time. 
  • How to automatically translate your comms to 25+ languages so everyone can understand and act on them.
  • The pros and cons of staffing up to get the help you need, versus using an intelligent workforce communications platform to fill those gaps.

Our guide will help you optimize your comms, so everyone on your team gets the communication they need, when they need it, and where they need it. Some strategies are easy to implement, and not all of them require you to put in (even) more time behind your desk or bring in new hires. 

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