Beyond modern

Information Should Come to Employees, Not the Other Way Around

Deliver personalized content to employees when and where they need it most.

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Beyond a Modern Intranet

Firstup’s intelligent communication platform understands each individual, anticipates what they need, and guides them to the right information.

Personalized employee experiences

Know every employee

For every single employee, the system gathers key attributes from HRIS systems, including job, role, location, preferred language, as well as event data like being a new hire or being promoted

Personalized Web Experience

Customize your employees' home page experience. Provide personalized updates from the unique topics they follow. Maximize engagement by pinning important content, popular posts, and relevant links to the top of each page.

Knowledge Hubs

Connect your employees to critical content, deliver access to productivity tools, and foster teamwork through interactive feeds and direct connections with subject-matter experts.

Personalized Notifications

Custom alerts and reminders provide timely updates on the content and actions users need to prioritize or be aware of. Based on their behaviors and preferences, notifications match each user’s work pattern.

May 31, 2024 Hi Jonathan Manager
May 05, 2024 Hi Sarah Designer
May 22, 2024 Hi George Developer
“Today, as employees feel overwhelmed and overworked, a next-generation intelligent communication platform like Firstup is a very hot commodity.”
Josh Bersin
Josh Bersin
Founder and CEO | The Josh Bersin Company
Intelligent delivery

Engage every employee

Firstup uses AI to intelligently deliver communications and content for better engagement


Deliver an omnichannel experience across email, mobile apps, messaging systems, digital signage, and intranets, to meet your employee in the flow of work.

AI Delivery Optimization

Optimize content delivery for each employee based on their preferences (time and channel) with intelligent delivery.

Journey Automation

Automate sending personalized campaigns activated by employee attributes and behavior-based data.